Indy Blue Star Mothers Officers 2022-2023
President: Karla Richardson (Orange) -
Vice President: Diana Renollett -
Treasurer: - Lori Middleton -
Secretary: - Dree Miller -
Financial Secretary: Pam Reese -
Indy Blue Star Mothers was chartered in August of 2015. We came together for information, support and camaraderie. Since our chartering, we have reached out to our community to provide support and knowledge about our nation’s military from a Blue Star Mom's perspective.

The National Blue Star Mothers organization has over 6,000 members from over 200 Chapters throughout the nation.
Blue Star Mothers is nearly 75 years old that began with mothers that volunteered throughout the tough times of World War II. They worked in hospitals, train stations, packed care packages for soldiers and were a working part of homeland security during times our time of war. The organization waned in size over the years but has held together by mothers showing pride in both their children and country. In recent times we have began to grow in strength. Being attacked on our own soil has once again started mothers hanging flags in their windows at home proclaiming pride in the fact that we have children protecting our freedom during a time of war.